Our clients range from Fortune 500 corporations with self-insured, self-administered claims groups, to third-party administrators and insurance providers. All of these companies rely on DataCare technology to increase sales, improve customer satisfaction, and lower service costs.

Some of our clients…

A word from Santa Clara County…

“Just to put this in dollars and cents, at County of Santa Clara, we experienced over $600,000 additional savings based on this new utilization review platform. That’s over $600,000 beyond what we had experienced the year before, without this automated utilization review, bill review platform.”
Sean Mullen, Senior Management Analyst, Santa Clara County

A word from New Mexico Mutual…

“DataCare gave us everything we needed for medical case management. Their service after the sale and ongoing support has been fantastic. We have seen better coordination between adjusters and case management and a reduction in our cost to manage cases. I would absolutely recommend them.”
Tim Thackaberry, Director of IT, New Mexico Mutual