Explore DataCare’s articles focused on Case Management Software, an informational hub designed for healthcare case management companies, case management nurses, and workers’ compensation management firms. Here, you’ll find articles that delve into the complexities and challenges of case management in today’s healthcare and workers’ compensation landscapes. Topics such as workflow optimization, patient outcomes, and industry compliance are covered, aiming to provide valuable insights for professionals in the field. Whether you’re experienced or new to case management, our goal is to offer a comprehensive resource that helps you navigate the evolving world of case management technology.

DataCare Introduces New Software Solutions to Meet Needs of Expanding Small Case Management Organizations

DataCare Corporation extends its Workers' Compensation product line to provide software solutions for small teams. "Pay for what you use" and support for small business accounting systems makes it ideal for small case management organizations. Pay for what you use: "Our web-based software solutions address the unmet workflow and document management needs of case [...]

2023-10-09T19:50:27+00:00November 6th, 2012|Case Management|

Mitchell Selects DataCare Case Management and Utilization Review Software for Excellence in Innovation

Mitchell International Workers' Comp Solutions Selected DataCare Software Mitchell International's Workers’ Compensation Solutions division chose DataCare's advanced medical case management and utilization review software to enhance their SmartAdvisor™ Software Suite. This past partnership highlights Mitchell's commitment to adopting cutting-edge technology to optimize cost containment and improve operational efficiencies in workers' compensation management. By integrating [...]

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