Explore articles focused on Utilization Review. This category delves into Utilization Review and its impact on improving patient care quality while controlling costs. Discover insights into how Utilization Review helps reduce unnecessary medical expenses and ensures care delivery aligns with industry guidelines. Dive into topics related to Utilization Review software, its role in streamlining processes, supporting data-driven decisions, and promoting efficient healthcare management and informed documentation. Explore this category to identify areas for improvement within your case management and healthcare practices.

Cutting Complexity in Workers’ Compensation Utilization Review Programs

DataCare UR++ reduces utilization review program costs by enabling claims adjusters and trained administrators to routinely approve 80% or more of all treatment requests and by significantly reducing the number of referrals to more expensive nurse or physician reviews. Quick approvals also shorten the time it takes for employees to return to work. With Express [...]

2023-10-09T19:49:22+00:00July 21st, 2011|Utilization Review|
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