It seems like every time you blink a regulatory body is introducing a new recommendation or final rule. Many healthcare organizations feel like they are on the losing end of a never-ending battle and dread every change that comes their way. However, being resourceful and creative you can find ways to see opportunities in these changes. For example, you can utilize the change to complete process improvements, you can become an expert by teaching a class to the community, or you could even share information on the topic on your organization’s website or blog.

Optimize Your Workflow

Regulatory changes often require changes to software, workflow, and pre-determined processes in your organization. While the knee-jerk reaction might be to do as little work possible to get the change in place, these changes can actually provide an opportunity to streamline your processes and optimize your workflow. If you’re going to have to make changes to comply with regulatory standards then you might as well examine all your processes surrounding this change and find ways to make improvements.

Teach Your Community

One of the best ways to learn new information is to teach it to others. An excellent strategy to become an expert and educate your staff is to organize a class on the topic. This may be a common practice to deliver information within your organization, but you can even take it one step further by offering the class to professionals outside of your department or perhaps your organization.

Large regulatory changes, like those in ICD-10, are likely something that other healthcare organizations are struggling with. If a class was planned for your facility then it’s only a small stretch to present this information in a format that is appropriate and beneficial to individuals outside your organization. In addition to learning the new standard and preparing your organization to be successful, you’ll also have the added benefit of providing a valuable service to others in your community and establishing yourself as a thought leader and with a strong community focus.

Create Content and Get Social

Does your organization have a website or blog? Are you producing new content on a regular basis?

One way to create a steady flow of new content is to write about ways yours organization is addressing regulatory changes. In addition to providing useful information to your community you are also improving your company’s search engine rankings. You’ll be able to provide a valuable service while increasing the likelihood that your business will be at the top of the list in a Google search.

But don’t just stop at a blog post or new article. Make sure you are utilizing social media like Facebook, Twitter, and Google + to share this content. What’s the point of writing a helpful resource if no one knows it’s available?

Regulatory changes can be a chance to make a positive change. All you have to do is figure out ways to find those opportunities in disguise.